Certification as Center for Personalized Medicine – Oncology

The Molecular Tumor Board of the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein has been certified as a center for personalized medicine by the DKG (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft; German Cancer Society). Our cancer research unit provides bioinformatic services for the molecular tumor board since 2018. Further information: https://www.uksh.de/Das+UKSH/Presse/Presseinformationen/2024/Zentrum+f%C3%BCr+Personalisierte+Medizin+_+Onkologie+am+UKSH+zertifiziert-p-210243.html

Passed NGS quality assessment

We passed this years quality assessment for NGS sequencing. Since 2022 we participate in the external quality assessment programme for Next-Generation Sequencing by the BVDH (Berufsverband Deutscher Humangenetiker; association of german human genetics). Further information: https://bvdh-ringversuche.de/downloads/rvinfo/nextgenseq/2023/RV%20NGS%202023%20zusammenfassender%20Abschlussbericht_EN_65815cc73b6563_94970283.pdf

CRC 1665 granted

Our CRC 1665 appplication „Determinants, meanings and implications of sex diversity in sociocultural, medical and biological landscapes“ is funded. We are involved in two work packages using our spatial transcriptomics expertise and in data management.  https://www.uni-luebeck.de/aktuelles/nachricht/artikel/neuer-sonderforschungsbereich-fuer-die-erforschung-der-vielfalt-des-biologischen-geschlechts.html