Certification as Center for Personalized Medicine – Oncology

The Molecular Tumor Board of the University Cancer Center Schleswig-Holstein has been certified as a center for personalized medicine by the DKG (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft; German Cancer Society). Our cancer research unit provides bioinformatic services for the molecular tumor board since 2018. Further information: https://www.uksh.de/Das+UKSH/Presse/Presseinformationen/2024/Zentrum+f%C3%BCr+Personalisierte+Medizin+_+Onkologie+am+UKSH+zertifiziert-p-210243.html

Passed NGS quality assessment

We passed this years quality assessment for NGS sequencing. Since 2022 we participate in the external quality assessment programme for Next-Generation Sequencing by the BVDH (Berufsverband Deutscher Humangenetiker; association of german human genetics). Further information: https://bvdh-ringversuche.de/downloads/rvinfo/nextgenseq/2023/RV%20NGS%202023%20zusammenfassender%20Abschlussbericht_EN_65815cc73b6563_94970283.pdf